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House Plant USA

Alocasia Venom

Alocasia Venom

Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 USD
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Alocasia 'Venom' is a rare mutation of Alocasia Amazonica.

TemperatureAlocasias prefer temperatures between 60–85° F, and should be kept away from cold drafts and heating vents. 

Humidity: Alocasias prefer high humidity, so you can place them in a bathroom or kitchen, or use a humidifier or pebble tray to increase humidity.

Watering: Water your Alocasia when the top half of the soil is dry. Alocasias store water in their stems and tubers, so they can tolerate slightly drier soil. Overwatering can cause brown leaves, which you can cut off at the base of the stem.

Light: Alocasias prefer bright, indirect sunlight.

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